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4 Excellent Books To Grow Your Faith!

4 Excellent Books To Grow Your Faith!

I never would’ve thought to be one making recommendations on books, yet here I am.

Growing up, I didn’t have that motivation for reading, neither external nor internal, that I see many Americans do. It’s one of the many cultural differences I noticed since moving to the United States.

In the States, it is ubiquitous for schools to have reading incentives such as reading “x” amount of books and earning a pizza class party, or having assigned summer readings.

While I do remember going to the library in elementary school in Mexico, we were not necessarily encouraged to read. Everyone would be outside playing after school, NOT reading! Sidenote: Our library was a tiny little treehouse in the far corner of the school property–very innovative!

I didn’t understand why children in the States would devour chapter books instead of playing tag with the neighbors.

Adapting Reading Habits

I’ll continue that talk someother time. I will say that things have significantly changed in the past few years as I’ve grown in my faith. Amazingly, I’ve lost count of how many books I’ve read in the past few months! I wholeheartedly believe the Holy Spirit has showered me with the gift of knowledge. All I want to do is read about our faith! And I pray you find interest indoing so to share the Gospel more eloquently with others, too.

Reading has become one of my favorite hobbies- that’s saying a lot since I don’t have many hobbies. But I have read many books this past summer that I highly recommend you read.

Interestingly enough, they are all from Catholic Answers, an American company focused on evangelization through various mediums (books, videos, CDs, radio, etc.)

So without further a due, here is my summer reading list–Catholic Answers Edition!

Why We Are Catholic by Trent Horn

This is a classic. The book goes into enough details explaining almost all of our beliefs as Catholic Christians.

If you are interested to learn more about the Catholic faith, I highly recommend this book!

The Bible is a Catholic Book by Jimmy Akin

If you’re a history junky, I think you would enjoy this little book. It goes through the history of how the bible was compiled—my favorite part was that it begins by talking about the origins of language and how that developed into writing. It is a great way to understand how and why God spoke to humanity the way he continues to do.

Meeting the Protestant Challenge by Karl Brusso

A lovely little gem of Catholic apologetics! I love how the arguments on both sides are executed. It is not easy to argue about theology, but being unfamiliar with the teachings of our faith makes it harder.

This book goes into examples of how we could respond to misconceptions about the faith. If you want more on apologetics, check out Navigating the Tiber by Rose. As a Protestant convert, Mr. Rose nails the point of the need for compassion when conversing with a non-Catholic.

Often when arguing about religion, or any controversial topic for that matter, people’s pride skyrockets and stop listening. Navigating the Tiber reminds us that regardless of religion, we are first children of God worthy of respect and love.

Hard Saying by Leila Miller and Trent Horn

This book was terrific. It goes into various hot topics that the world wants to force us to adopt against morality.

Trent and Leila eloquently explain how to communicate to our children at different levels of development stages about controversial topics! This is something our world desperately needs to know how to do.

Now, I do not have children, but this book intrigued my Child Developmentalist side. It’s a book for anyone who interacts with children; that is, ANY HUMAN BEING.

But it is also suitable for understanding controversial topics from simple to slightly more complex explanations.

Overall, Catholic Answers is an excellent resource for all seeking to learn about the Church Jesus instituted. Their content is thought-provoking and engaging—absolutely stunning!

Have you read any of these books? What book recommendations do you have?

Let me know how I can pray for you today!


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