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Lent + Easter Collection

lent Catholic Christ is alive sweatshirt Ave Maria

Lent will be over. We will say once again, “He has Risen! Alleluia!”

Through the desert, we must die to ourselves and let Christ reign!

St. Paul said it best, “Christ died on the cross on my behalf. It is like I died there with him. So I do not live my own life anymore. Instead, Christ lives in me.

Check out our Lent + Easter Collection below!

Lent + Resurrection Sweatshirts and T-Shirts for Kids

Christ is Alive, and So Am I Tshirts + more

Live Like Christ Sweatshirts

For forty days, we suffer, but our faith teaches us that it’s not the end. We get 50 days after the resurrection to celebrate the hope of eternal life. We are saved through Christ’s sacrifice!

Let’s live our lives glorifying the Holy Trinity!