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Children's World
5 Traits That Make Children Special

5 Traits That Make Children Special

Children are a great gift to this world. Their charisma can bring value to these times drowned in negativity. If you think about it, a child is usually only in a bad mood if his/her needs are not meet. Or when have you ever seen a child who is loved, feed, rested, and healthy throwing a tantrum? He or she likely exists, but it is hard to come across. And while it might be hard for some caregivers to provide the proper care a child needs, it should not take away from enjoying the child’s being.

1. Children Are Drama-Free

People, for one reason or another, forget how to be positive with age. Jealousy, trust issues, and low self-esteem began to drain our well-being, yet this is not the case with children, for they are too young to be stained with the sorrows of life. They are not concerned with whether your outfits match, or if you passed your exams, or how much money you make. Children want someone to be in company with.

2. Children Have Contagious Laughs

I think it is entirely unbiased to say that hearing a kid laugh will at least cause a smile to emerge. If not, then why do videos on babies laughing get millions of views? Sure, laughter tends to be contagious regardless of age, but there is something special about a child’s laugh. It is a mighty weapon that can brighten a gloomy day. Unfortunately, it does not get used enough. The worst part is that it does not take much to get a kid happy and laughing. (Tip: if you ever need a pick-me-up, look up laughing babies on YouTube)

3. Children Have Endless Energy

I used to work at a Montessori with kids of all ages. The feeling of being bored and tired of the same daily routine began to take a toll on me soon after I started working. However, the children seem to enjoy themselves at every single minute of the day. I began wondering why their energy levels never died off, not even at nap time. And while this is another post in itself, I will say that it was their constant enthusiasm over the smallest thing that made me love my job even more. I’ve also worked as a nanny, so I know having high energy levels is not just a school thing, but rather a child. Kids see the magic in everyday situations that sadly diminishes with time.

4. Children Don’t Hold Grudges

This is another beautiful trait that kids possess. I will never forget the day I was arguing with my little 6-year-old cousin over a game: He stopped me midsentence to say that he loved me and didn’t want to argue over something silly but would instead like for the both of us to enjoy the game. I was dumbfounded. How could a child, more than ten years younger than me, be the one to calm the situation? Matthew 19:14 would not stop running in my head. These and many other cases made me acknowledge that children are quicker at putting down their pride and forgiving for everyone’s good.

5. Children Are Fast Learners

 I do not understand how people belittle children without realizing that they tend to have a better memory than the average adult. I am grateful to live in a time where research is available to understand children’s brains better. I won’t go in detail now, but there have been studies on babies suggesting that they form expectations from their environments and notice inconsistencies. Furthermore, I’ve noticed that children easily remember the dialogue from books and movies. And let’s not ignore the dangers of making promises to children: you will never hear the end of it until it is gets fulfilled. Needless to say, children work hard to keep up with their fast-paced world. 

I might have exaggerated at some points, but it is essential to emphasize how amazing children can be. Their tender character is a reminder to enjoy life for those who might’ve forgotten the beauty of simplicity. 


Today’s challenge: Look up stories about the child Jesus! 


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