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An Easy Explanation of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit

An Easy Explanation of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit

It’s Pentecost—the church’s birthday! This special day is a gentle reminder of the love of God, the Holy Spirit, the sanctifier and guide. 

The Paraclete will enkindle our hearts with God’s manyfold gifts to set this world on Fire for the Kingdom of Christ. 


Allow yourself to be enamored by God’s kiss through the Holy Spirit. Though we are many parts, we are all one body in Christ. Let us use our gifts for God’s glory, but more importantly, let us learn more about how we can see the Holy Spirit working in us through the fruits we bear. 

In Galatians 5: 22-23, we read of the nine fruits that can be attributed to the working of the Spirit in our lives as Christians, so in this post, you will find a short explanation of each fruit and a bible reference to nurture your hearts. 

Click here to see which fruit the Holy Spirit would like to work on with you in a fun, interactive way. 

And if you would like a FREE Bible Study guide focusing on the Fruits of the Spirit, click here!

Love (Amor)

Seeking the good of the other. See the Bible reference below for a clearer definition. (Note: replace your name with the word love.)

Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 

Buscar el bien del projimo. Lee la referencia bíblica que aparece a continuación para una definición más clara, y reemplaza tu nombre con la palabra amor.

Leer 1 Corintios 13:4-7

Joy (Gozo)

Rejoicing in thanksgiving for Christ’s salvation beyond what happens in our daily lives. 

Read Psalm 95 and James 1:2

Optar por regocijarnos en agradecimiento por la salvación que obtuvimos atraves de Cristo sin importart lo que sucede en nuestra vida diaria.

Leer Salmo 95 y Santiago 1:2

Peace (Paz)

Trusting in God’s power to overcome anything threatening to destroy our relationship with Him. 

Read John 16:33

Confiar en el poder de Dios para superar cualquier cosa que amenace con destruir nuestra relación con Él.

Leer Juan 16:33

Patience (Paciencia)

Persevere life’s trials with gladness and hope because we know God is able to transform every heart and hardship. 

Read Romans 15: 1-6

Persevera las pruebas de la vida con alegría y esperanza porque sabemos que Dios puede transformar cada corazón y cada dificultad.

Leer Romanos 15: 1-6

Kindness (Benignidad)

Assimilating our Lord’s mercy with compassion and good wishes for others.

Read 2 Timothy 2: 24-26

Asimilar la misericordia de nuestro Señor con compasión y buenos deseos para los demás.

Leer 2 Timoteo 2: 24-26

Generosity (Bondad)

Recognizing God’s abundant blessings and sharing them with others. 

Read Philippians 4: 10-19

Reconocer las abundantes bendiciones de Dios y compartirlas con los demás.

Leer Filipenses 4:10-19

Faithfulness (Fe)

Trusting that God remains faithful no matter the circumstances. Being a Christian is about the relationship, not the situation. 

Read 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Gentleness (Mansedundre)

Having a kind and tender demeanor so others may seek God’s love and mercy. 

Read 1 Peter 3:15-16

Confiar que Dios permanece fiel sin importar las circunstancias. Ser cristiano se trata de la relación, no de la situación.

Leer 2 Tesalonicenses 3:3

Self-control (Templanza)

Recognize temptations before they get out of hand and feed sinful desires. 

Read Ben Sira 18: 30-31

Reconocer tentaciones antes de que se salgan de control y alimenten deseos pecaminosos.

Leer Ben Sira 18: 30-31

I hope you make time to pray with the Holy Spirit and reflect on the many gifts He has blessed you with as you collaborate on building up the kingdom!


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