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An Open Letter Of Hope: Racism Around The World

An Open Letter Of Hope: Racism Around The World

Dear racism,

You must be so proud of yourself. You made something insignificant like the pigmentation of our skin be lethal. You’ve infected people’s minds with hateful stereotypes that make it hard for others to see what truly matters: God living through us.

You make people fear one another based on looks; it is illogical. How can someone in their right mind ever believe that looking a certain way dictates one’s worthiness of respect?


You do not get to dictate anyone’s worth. We are all made in the image and likeness of the Creator. God is the mastermind behind every creature, and He will not let you pervert those who wish to fight against you.

You take advantage of our vicious eagerness to obtain power over to prevail. Sure, it feels nice to be obeyed, but how fulfilling can it be if you are leading others to a place of suffering and agony? 

Matthew 15:17-18 says, 

Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, which defiles them.

I do not even want to imagine what your heart harvests.

I’ve lived the majority of my life in the United States. And the American people’s obsession with you is concerning. Every couple of years, you sneak your way back into this nation, making us often forget that you are a worldwide phenomenon. 

Let me explain, the other day, my grandma sent me the following video. 

It is worth watching!!

In English:

En Español:

This helped me realize that you don’t have a preferred skin color. You just want people to join your cruel agenda by attacking the minority.

In the United States, we have to deal with White supremacy, supposedly. But isn’t it interesting that in Africa, having light skin merits discrimination and harassment?  

The reason I said supposedly is that there might be some American people who feel entitled based on their skin color, but we have laws to protect people of all colors or races pretty well. In other countries, like in Tanzania, being of a minority color is life-threatening and often times is a cause of abandonment. How upsetting is that!!

The point is that you, racism, blind your victims to gain control. 

But I rest assured that more people will look past your evil plan and see that we are more than our pigmentation. 

It will take time, but it will happen eventually. 

It could be a difference in upbringing since I was born in Mexico, where diversity is not as prominent as in the US. But I don’t understand the obsession with race-pride — I talk about this on Independent vs. Interdependent cultures–how come we can’t embrace the simple fact that we are all human at the end of it and we need to be kind to one another?

I get it; the United States is the perfect target for your villainous scheme.

But you cannot make the American people forget that their country’s slogan is “the land of the free.” 

This might worry you, as it should, but the country thrives on its love for freedom. Not only that, but about 70% of the population considers him(her)self Christian. 

The following verse from Galatians 5:13 should mean something to most,

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.

This country should not be suffering because of you. We will put the same passion you instill in us for the good of society. 

The same goes for the rest of the world. As we see in the video about Albinos in Tanzania, you do not rest within a single country, but your tactics are the same. 

All equally lame. 

I kindly ask you to leave us alone. There is no room left for you: not in our countries, not in our hearts.

You will no longer limit our relations with others. If our hearts house discrimination, there is no place to love our neighbors. 

Even though you make us think there is a particular race that equates to perfection while the others are shameful, your faulty logic will no longer resonate with those seeking the truth with open hearts. 

May the Holy Spirit guide us all far away from your negativity.


Someone praying for a better tomorrow


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