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Single and Catholic: A Book Review

In one of my impromptu visits to my local bookstore, I stumbled about a little gem titled Single and Catholic by Judy Keane. You see, every so often, I get asked, “do you have a boyfriend?” “What are you waiting for?” “Maybe you’re too picky,” and so forth. Maybe you can relate to that? I’ve learned that there is nothing I can […]

An Open Letter Of Hope: Racism Around The World

Dear racism, You must be so proud of yourself. You made something insignificant like the pigmentation of our skin be lethal. You’ve infected people’s minds with hateful stereotypes that make it hard for others to see what truly matters: God living through us. You make people fear one another based on looks; it is illogical. How can someone in their […]

5 Things Children Struggle With In A New Country

Change is never easy, let alone for a child. The slightest difference in routine is equivalent to declaring war in the child’s brain. But it is understandable since they are figuring out how to get around in this world, but it is for that reason that it is not easy to accept—especially moving to a new country. I will focus […]

What Different Cultures Can Learn From One Other

The United States is famously known as the melting-pot where cultures from all around the world merge into one country. While some argue that Americans lack culture, it is evident that there is a strong sense of unity through seeking the American dream. It is this dream that motivates people to immigrate to this country, and it also this dream that drives […]

Finding Peace In Cognitive Dissonance

Proverbs 2:2 You’ve probably been advised against talking about politics, money, and religion at some point in your life, right? But why? I understand that those topics can be controversial and cause uproars, but it is for those same reasons that they should not be kept quiet. We are taught certain beliefs from the moment of our birth. Additionally, we […]