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How to Find Love – Easier than You Think!

How to Find Love – Easier than You Think!

I’m curious to know what got you interested in this article. Is it because you are lonely? Or did someone share it with you to spark hope to find love? Regardless, I’m glad I can share these thoughts with you because finding love is easy. We humans tend to overcomplicate it. 

I wrote an article mentioning the four types of love, and you’re more than welcome to read it for more details. In short, you have romantic love, friendship love, neighborly love, and God’s love. In today’s article, we will be talking about what love is and if it can be found in this broken world.

Society + Love

Hollywood and social media sell us this idea of love that is very selfish. It’s all about finding someone who will satisfy your needs. And even though there is an emphasis on sexuality and promiscuity, that’s not really what most people want when looking for love. You can be in a very sexually active relationship and still find yourself having endless fights, feeling disrespected, and ultimately not loved. So, as much as society wants to push a sexual revolution as a response to our desire for love, deep down, we crave a type of intimacy beyond our human capacities. 

“I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem,
    if you find my beloved,
tell him this:
    I am faint with love.” (Song of Songs 5:8)

Can you feel the beloved yearning for her lover? We are God’s beloved, and he is ours. He is our creator and source of love. We are constantly seeking him, but we look for him in the wrong places. Our broken human hearts get lost in the world’s chaos, and temptations scream to distract us. God is there waiting for us to reach out for his saving hand. 

Don’t find love, accept it!

Love is not meant to be found but to be accepted and given. God loves us from conception and continues to love us by keeping us in existence. He wants us to be part of his plan for humanity. He longs for your love. So you don’t need to go out and search for it; all you have to do is be grateful for being embraced in love with every breath you take. Pass on that love to those around you as vessels for Christ. Whether you are called to live out that love exclusively with God through religious life and the priesthood or through marriage is irrelevant until you know that you are made out of love to love above all. Only then will your vocation make sense, and it will come to fruition.

Trust me, there is so much beauty in waiting for the Lord to reveal your calling. He will put all the puzzle pieces together at the right time, and you won’t have to suffer heartbreaks alone.   

So don’t go out looking for love; open the door to love knocking at your door, as it says in Revelations 3: 20, and embrace it.

“Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come into you and eat with you, and you with me.”


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