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The Creation Story: Mother Mary as the New Eve

The world’s creation begins God’s beautiful love story with mankind. In the book of Genesis, we can see how God ensured that the place that would be our home was, so to speak, furnished and ready to be inhabited before our creation on the sixth day when God created man and woman in his image. This specific moment offers the opportunity to articulate many more things. The main focus is on how the first account of creation with Adam and Eve reflects in the new creation with Jesus Christ.

As we know, sin infested the hearts of mankind and stained our special relationship with God. However, God is so good and loves us that he did not give up. He continued to be the God who protected and rescued him even when his creation was unfaithful. In the end, God sacrificed his only son as a propitiation for our sins.

Jesus and Mary are the new Adam and Eve.

Let’s start with Jesus and Adam: Adam, a human being endowed with breath and life, earthly, brought death with sin. Jesus, a life-giving Spirit, heavenly, brought salvation with his death. As Christians, we can recognize ourselves as new creations through Jesus. But let’s not forget that God created man and woman. We’ve established that Jesus Christ is the new Adam, now let’s explore how Mary is the new Eve.

Eve, a virgin, disobeyed and brought sin and condemnation; she trusted the devil’s lies and received a new name that meant mother of the living. Mary, a virgin, obeyed and brought salvation (Jesus); she trusted God’s will and received a new title as the mother of believers. Understanding and respecting Mary’s obedience is crucial in our faith journey. Why is it important to know this?

There are so many things that, unfortunately, as Christians, we do not understand, and it is easy for someone to come and try to make us doubt, especially as Catholics, for not understanding the Word of God. If we recognize Mary’s extraordinary role in salvation history, we will know why Catholics fondly believe in the Virgin Mary.

It is easy to realize that sin entered the world because of Adam and Eve. Both have responsibilities in that. Similarly, Mary and Jesus share the recognition of salvation. Of course, Jesus is God, and his sacrifice saves us. Mary is simply a creature, but it is through her obedience that God becomes man. God did not need Mary, but he wanted her to be an essential part of his plan.

So, are you willing to accept Mary as God’s gift as your heavenly mother?

Video Version:

Maria es la Nueva Eva

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