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The Ladybug: Mother Mary’s Love Gift of Hope

The Ladybug: Mother Mary’s Love Gift of Hope

The story of the ladybug is one of my favorites because of its special meaning. 

Many years ago, European farmers had a terrible plague that devoured their food. They could not make these invaders move away from what they were growing. This is how, in their desperation, they invoked Maria’s maternal help. They trusted that the grace of God would resolve this unpleasant situation through Mary if they only had faith. So it was that the townspeople prayed the rosary for days with devotion. And suddenly, some tiny insects came to eat the parasites. The farmers were filled with happiness and relief, and that’s how the little red insect with black dots was called “ladybug” in honor of the help of our Lady. 

Did you know that ladybugs typically have seven black dots to represent the seven sorrows of the Virgin Mary? 

1. The prophecy of Simeon at the presentation of the Child Jesus (Luke 2:25-35)

2. The flight to Egypt with Jesus and Joseph (Matthew 2: 13-15)

3. The loss of the child Jesus (Luke 2: 41- 52)

4. The encounter of Jesus with the cross on his back on the way to Calvary (Luke 23: 27-31)

5. The crucifixion and agony of Jesus (Luke 23: 44-46)

6. The spear and receiving the dead Jesus in her arms (John 19: 34)

7. The burial of Jesus and the loneliness of Mary (Matthew 27: 57-60)

Maria’s unwavering faith gave her strength to overcome these pains. Her life magnifies the Lord at all times (Luke 1: 46), and that is why she has a special place in her heart for all who suffer, especially the innocent. She wants every creature to be placed in God’s arms and will do everything that God authorizes her to do to help us in this battle against the enemy. 

Let Mary lead you to Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

Mary’s Other Gift to the World beside the Ladybug

The rosary is a beautiful prayer. Our Lady encourages the faithful to devote themselves to this type of meditation, which is why the Rosary Abacus was created to help young children foster this practice in their prayer lives. Click on the image below for more details!


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