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Why is October the Month of the Rosary?

October 7th is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, formerly known as Our Lady of Victory. Why is this a celebration, and why on this date? 

As practicing Catholics, we are known for our devotion to the Rosary. This beautiful prayer was inspired by the recitation of the 150 Psalms, which later became 150 Hail Marys. Eventually, St Dominic’s preaching on the rosary as a meditative prayer in 1214 kept the ball rolling to develop the practice as we know it today. 

The Beauty of the Rosary

The Catholic Church wants people to come to know Christ. Whether through breathtaking paintings, statues, or prayer guides, the church, inspired by the Holy Spirit, provides ways for people of all ages and educational backgrounds to encounter the gift of faith. 

One of the key aspects of the Catholic faith is acknowledging that the Virgin Mary plays a significant role in salvation history. She was the first Christian, became the mother of all believers, and, through the will of God, has our best interest at heart. It shouldn’t surprise us that Mary wants to intercede for our prayers with her special connection to God. 

Check out more resources on the importance of Mary at the end of the article! 

Mary’s intercession 

Mary’s soul magnifies the Lord. She wants to see the fruits of God’s will above everything. Her faith changed humanity forever by becoming God’s dwelling vessel through which the Word of God became incarnate. 

This is true in the Gospel, and it is true centuries later. 

Her desire for God’s goodness to be known is so strong that God gives her special graces to intercede for us, especially in spiritual battles with evil. After all, God gave her the role to crush satan’s head–and she takes her role seriously. 

The Battle of Lepanto

The Ottoman Empire was taking over the world with great power. They were forcing Christians to convert to Islam or face enslavement or death. Soon, they planned to take over the Island of Cyprus to continue their world dominion. At that time, they were the most potent naval power in the world. 

The Papacy, Venice, and Spain teamed up to fight off the invaders. Their militia, however, was not well trained and significantly outnumbered. The Pope asked the faithful to pray for Our Lady’s intercession through an endless prayer of the rosary in this battle that was bound to be lost. 

Pope Pius V received news that the Battle of Lepanto had ended in their favor on October 7th. The vast Ottoman empire had weakened. Then, the Pope declared the day of Our Lady of Victory. Because of her help, the West was not conquered, and the enemies were stopped. 

The Day of the Rosary in October

Prayers through the meditation of the Rosary have repeatedly shown the power of faith and God’s love for His people. With the support of our heavenly mother, we are closely united to the Body of Christ and thus stronger together. She is the pavement to the way of Salvation, which is Jesus Christ. 

The feast eventually became part of the universal church’s calendar, and in 1913, St. Pope Pius X settled the feast on October 7th, appropriately so. However, we know our lives are meant to glorify God daily, so the church has provided themes of our faith to be celebrated each month to help nourish our faith in the ordinary. 

With the importance of the rosary as a prayer that adequately allows us to meditate on the Gospel and life of our Lord, a whole month has been set aside to commemorate such beautiful practice. Thus, October is the month of the Rosary. 

Praying the Rosary

Check out these resources if you need help knowing how to pray the rosary. 

To help engage your younger children’s rosary, check out our interactive Rosary Abacus

Comment below any prayer intentions you might have so I can add them to my rosary prayers! 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!


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