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How to Take On Chances: Rip Off the Band-Aid

This is for all the people out there afraid of taking chances. It’s scary, I know. You start thinking of the billions of ways it could play out: the one where you make a fool of yourself, or maybe you’ll make the other person uncomfortable. There is that possibility where it goes exactly as you dreamed, but that little voice […]

Listen Attentively, It’s Worth It!

It never fails to amaze me how much you learn what’s in someone’s heart through conversation. You might be thinking, “well, obviously, that’s exactly how you get to know people.” However, I would argue that it is rare for people to listen to each other when having a conversation truly. I have no doubt you are hearing the noises that […]

College Students, Never Forget You Are Never Alone

College: the perfect place to find God, right? As a matter of fact, yes, why not? God is everywhere. He sees all things and knows everything, so college campuses are just another place to find him. Unfortunately, many forget about God as soon as they step foot on a college campus. We might be overwhelmed with the workload, the social […]