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3 Secrets to Balance Work & Life as a Catholic 

3 Secrets to Balance Work & Life as a Catholic 

Life can be chaotic. You have a million and one things to get done at work, a place to keep clean, and many other activities that seem to outnumber time. 

It’s okay! We’ve all been there. But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. I want to share three tips to help you ease your stress and enjoy life more. After all, John 10:10 tells us Jesus came so we “may have life and have it to the full.”

1. A Good Prayer life is Key!

Starting your day by praising God for another day of life will set the tone for the rest of the day. Start with God in mind—he is the reason we’re alive. Take this time to ask him to prepare you for what adventure he puts you through that day. Schedule prayer time throughout your day, and end your day with gratitude for the blessings and crosses of that day! Click here for more tips.

2. Set monthly, weekly, and daily Goals!

At the end of each month, take some time to reflect on the past month and what you hope to accomplish the following month. It’s okay if not everything gets done, so it’s important to plan according to your most important to least. Having this part organized will help you with that work and life balance. Again, this is an overview of your work and life, so not every little detail about work has to be here, but you are the judge of that. Let me know if you would like me to share some schedule templates!

3. Leave room for flexibility!

Life is full of surprises, so don’t feel like you have to get every little thing done. You never know what God will allow to happen in your life. But the good thing is that if you prioritize your relationship with Christ, any change will be received with hope.

It’s so easy to get lost in the work mentality. We invest so much time in making money and feeling successful that we forget to treat each other as human beings. While I understand that money is important to a degree in order to have healthy lifestyles, we are not ATM machines that should glorify the consumer mentality. 

Allow yourself to enjoy life. Be grateful for what you have and for your hard work. There are beautiful ways to glorify God by using your gifts and talents to help your community. That is good, and it should bring you life satisfaction. Your work will be something you enjoy, not a place where you feel enslaved. Share the gospel with those around you through your actions by showing respect. 

Put God first, and your work and life will naturally balance. God gives you the tools you need for any mission he puts in your heart. Trust him! 


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