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Busy People, Learn to Grow Spiritually From a Busy Mom!

I’m not sure if you’ve felt the same, but I’ve had this unquenchable thirst to merge deep into the faith the past few months. I want to learn how to grow closer to God every day. I love hearing about other people’s journeys and testimonies (please don’t hesitate to share your story in the comments!). Interestingly, all of the blogs […]

Listen Attentively, It’s Worth It!

It never fails to amaze me how much you learn what’s in someone’s heart through conversation. You might be thinking, “well, obviously, that’s exactly how you get to know people.” However, I would argue that it is rare for people to listen to each other when having a conversation truly. I have no doubt you are hearing the noises that […]

Is There A Reason To Ignore The Invitation?

A few Sundays ago, we heard the parable about the king who invites the town’s people to a wedding feast, yet many chose to ignore the invitation. Furthermore, one of the men in attendance gets kicked out for his inappropriate attire.  I am paragraphing big time, so please take the time to read the passage for yourself. (click here for […]