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Contemplative Prayer: What is it?

Contemplative Prayer: What is it?

These past couple of weeks, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to learn more about our faith. However, St. Ignatius of Loyola’s spiritual exercises, more specifically, contemplative prayer, kept coming up. I had never heard of such a thing, but what a lovely gift this information was.

Isn’t it breathtaking to see how God knows the perfect time to place something new in front of us? Let alone the fact that it surpasses our desires! 

Learning of Contemplative Prayer was eye-opening.

While it was a new term, I had already experienced it in one way or another. But, to be honest, the first time I heard this, I thought it was the most complicated way of praying. For some reason, it was not resonating with me. I could not understand what it meant, but it sprung a strong attraction in my heart

I felt, deep down inside, that I had finally found a term to what I have been experiencing a lot since saying “yes” to God’s unconditional love. However, my stubborn self was fighting it, and I wanted to build a box around the concept of contemplative prayer when, in reality, that would only limit its purpose. 

So what is contemplative prayer?

I was having a hard time putting it into words. So, I looked it up and found that it is normal not to describe it well because it is a gift from God, and it’s one of those things beyond our human faculty. 

Nevertheless, an article on the Loyola Insitute website explains contemplative prayer is the “simple awareness, allowing God to be God without trying to put the limitations of shape or meaning around him.”

You might be thinking, “I don’t put limitations on God.” I thought so too, but it is human nature to do so. We want to understand God and His creation in our human terms when God Almighty created it all. We cannot see or understand things as He can. And that is okay. 

Once we understand that God is God, the ruler of the universe, and we are not, we set our beings free to receive the graces of God. We do nothing more but give thanks for His blessings when we come to terms with the fact that breathing right now is a gift itself. We did not earn it, nor do we deserve it. But our loving God wills it. 

Have you experienced Contemplative Prayers? 

If you’ve ever been in awe of nature, you’ve experienced contemplative prayer. Have you ever found yourself surrounded by loved ones, felt like everything was silent, and couldn’t help but see God’s goodness in every corner of the room? That’s contemplative prayer. Or have you been to adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament, and you experienced external silence but bliss and joy in your heart? 

You do not have to be a theologian or mystic to be granted such a gift; It is a matter of surrendering our senses to God and trusting Him. If we have thankful hearts, He will all the more be able to work with us and lead us to holiness. 

I’d love to hear your experiences with contemplative prayer, and as always, let me know if there is any way I can pray for you! 

God bless.


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