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How To Be An Empowered Woman

How To Be An Empowered Woman

What an interesting question. Today’s society says an empowered woman is independent and doesn’t care about the patriarchal demands of the world. The new wave of feminism says that men are nonessential to a woman’s life. But how can that statement stand if women would not continue to exist without the role of men?

This new idea of feminism claims to seek equality, but it sounds more like it seeks revenge for the centuries of poor treatment by men. When has hatred ever led to good things?

Feminist Movement

The first wave of American feminism sought to restore women’s dignity to its intended purpose. Our sex should never interfere with our ability to have a voice or get an education. Those rights are what the first group of feminists fought for without violence or by diminishing men’s dignity. On the contrary, their hope in their fellow men gave them the strength to persevere with their righteous demands. They knew most men would eventually come to value women and fight alongside them for their well-deserved rights. The unity of like-minded and well-intentioned men and women paved the way for the 19th amendment. The battle was fruitful, though flawed as any human revolution is.

But what appeared a step closer to recovering the unity God intended for all of humanity has somehow taken a wrong turn. Nowadays, it’s believed that chivalrous men are as real as unicorns. Men are nothing more than stumbling blocks, only suitable for self-gratification. The battle that once fought against the objectification of women now uses men for the same wicked purpose.

Is this what makes a woman strong, being as savage as their oppressors?

Seeking Justice

That’s what revenge can do to the soul. It drowns it with hatred and blurs reality. We forget how it feels to be on the receiving end of the situation, and we grow to believe that justice is done when the oppressor becomes oppressed and tormented.

Is this what makes a woman strong?

What about the result of the sexual exploitation of little girls? Is that liberating and empowering? It seems like women’s value still revolves around the things their bodies have to offer. If it was imprudent to show skin before, now it’s imprudent to cover up: how dare we respect our bodies? But why must we continue going to the extremes?

Maybe a woman is strong by her ability to boss people around? Or her willingness to destroy the natural and biological functions of her body? How about her ability to not get backlash for casual dating? It’s all so bizarre.

But is this really what makes a woman strong?

It sounds like feminist women nowadays seek a cowardly man’s lifestyle to feel empowered. They want to do the things women were repulsed when men did them, but why?

The Oppression of Woman’s Dignity

The sexual revolution movement, which is said to have liberated women from the horrid oppression of outdated religion, was started by no other than men. Men also pioneered the pill that supposedly liberates women from the burdens of motherhood. Isn’t that funny?

The most shocking part is that these movements to “free” women revolve around the idea of benefiting the animalistic side of humanity. The feminist movement has worked hard to flee from men’s constant decision-making on their behalf, so what happened with their longing for independence? Why are they embracing ideas pioneered by sexist men?

It shouldn’t be surprising that women’s dependence on men is almost inevitable, and there is nothing wrong with that. We were created as a pair in a mutual exchange of authentic love. However, The fall of Adam and Eve broke this beautiful unifying bond, thus birthing the mess we have to this day.

It’s worth looking at how that event has affected the relationship between men and women.

The Fall of Adam and Eve

Why did the serpent decide to tempt the woman first? At first glance, it might be due to Eve’s higher propensity to be deceived compared to Adam’s. However, could it be that Satan tempted Eve because if it had been the other way around, it would’ve been more challenging for Even to fall if Adam had suggested doing so? This is all speculation. But it does make room to infer why Eve was then made subject to Adam. It’s almost as if Adam now had the last say to prevent Eve from making bad choices again. This is not doctrine, but Msgr. Charles Pope speaks similarly on this topic:

“Women are more naturally spiritual and inclined to be a source of unity and peace in the family. While these are beautiful strengths, they can provide an easy opening for deception in certain circumstances. One may compromise with error and sin if one seeks to make peace too quickly; though being open to spiritual things is good, one should not welcome erroneous spiritual concepts. Further, should a woman cede to these, she can have undue power over her husband and other men by her beauty and may draw into setting aside their better judgment.”

Holy Matrimony

St. Paul reiterated this submission to men in his letter to the Ephesians, but notice that here we can see the original plan of God manifesting. Yes, wives are called to submit to their husbands, but husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loves the church. What wife wouldn’t submit to their husband if he loves her like Jesus loved His church!! Anyone else agrees?

Again, humanity is broken. No man will ever love a woman as perfectly as Jesus loves His church. That’s a challenging demand. Our brokenness does not allow us to love like that, so one can argue that men have a more complex request from God than women. This is seen in the creation story; Adam was responsible for taking care of God’s creations, the woman included. This is why God asks for Adam, and not Eve, after they had sinned. Adam failed to stop Eve from falling into temptation. He let her sin and then fell for her temptation.

So where does that leave us? Could we ever know what truly makes a woman strong?

A Virtues Woman is…

A strong woman withstands temptation and is mindful of her fellow Christian’s sensitivity to sin. A strong woman puts the will of God above everything and finds confidence in the love of the Holy Spirit.

You might be wondering if such a woman could even exists? And the answer is yes. Our lady, the mother of Christ, is known as the new Eve.

Both created sinlessly, yet their use of their free will took the world in different directions: Condemnation through Eve but Salvation through Mary. Eve’s yes paved the way for Adam to disobey God and welcome death. Mary’s yes paved the way for Jesus to fulfill the will of God and defeat death.

Mary is the best example of an empowered woman, but that will be explained in a separate blog post.

For now, here are the ten virtues of our Blessed Mother as pioneered by St. Louis de Montford: Which virtue resonates most with you?

Virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary listed
You can find more detailed information on Mary by checking out the Catechism of the Catholic Church or NewAdvent.org!

God’s Plan for Women

What a beautiful gift the creation of Mary has given us. She upheld her dignity as a child of God and birthed the Light of the world. Her brave trust in the Lord allowed her to push past her constraining mind and gave the grand Fait! She was not afraid of what others might say. Nor did she doubt her abilities when God called her to be the mother of the Savior of the world! She said, let God’s will be done upon me. If God could bestow part of the Trinity as a baby to a virgin, nothing is impossible for God (Luke 1:37). God makes way for His servants and provides everything needed to carry through His Will.

So dearest Women, you play a significant role in God’s plan. You were made for greatness. As a woman, you can influence how people live their lives. And while you might not be responsible for their reaction, you can pave the way for holiness in others if you allow the Holy Spirit to guide your desires. He longs to shower you with graces. Will your heart embrace the mercy of God?

God bless you ♡


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