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How to Take On Chances: Rip Off the Band-Aid

How to Take On Chances: Rip Off the Band-Aid

This is for all the people out there afraid of taking chances.

It’s scary, I know. You start thinking of the billions of ways it could play out: the one where you make a fool of yourself, or maybe you’ll make the other person uncomfortable. There is that possibility where it goes exactly as you dreamed, but that little voice quickly eradicates that last thought.

Whatever the situation, your heart starts beating so fast you are now worried that others can hear it, which further ignites your anxiety.

You talk yourself out of it and tell yourself that maybe someday you’ll do it. You are simply not ready to take action yet.

This internal monologue of justification is the only way to console your restless mind. Eventually, you’ll exhaust yourself and fall asleep, hoping next time will be more comfortable. But when you wake up, the first thing that comes to mind is that which you are postponing.

And the cycle intensifies!

Some Wise Words For Comfort

My priest said something interesting the other day, “Don’t leave things off to the last minute, for it could one be too late one day.”

Maybe you can relate, but there have been times when ordering food-induced overwhelming stress levels. That’s the tip of the iceberg; I won’t even describe what it’s like to have to make a phone call!!

Thankfully, it’s not as bad for me anymore. But getting to the point I am now was not easy.

But Why Was I Like That?

I’ve never liked being the center of attention. It might sound weird, but I loved being ignored. I liked being in my tiny world with only my family around every once in a while. My grandparents’ house was my haven. Until we moved, then being in solitude took on that role.

Needless to say, this was not healthy. But God is always there for us.

I knew deep down being cautious about every little thing was not normal. I obviously wanted to fit in with the rest of the kids, but I was too uninterested and a little scared. Being loud and carefree like they were was something unattainable. I couldn’t do it.

Undoubtedly, it was the Holy Spirit guarding me against harm; I would not tolerate it because I’d later find out that those careless actions often led to trouble. That was something I made sure to avoid: getting in trouble! It has never felt good to be reprimanded, especially when it causes my parents to be disappointed.

Overthinking Makes Things Worse

As an over-thinker, I get a nauseating feeling that holds me back from pursuing even good things like joining a Bible study group. I realized this had become a problem when my haven, myself, started to shatter. I briefly mentioned what happened in a previous post, but I know those events had a purpose.

Like I mentioned before, God is good all the time! He listens to his children’s cries for help and rescues them according to their needs.

However, God also uses those times of despair to help us flourish into the individuals he intends us to be. A great analogy is working out (external stressor on the body) and then feeling soar (uncomfortable feeling). Still, in the end, we get stronger (we are healthy and build endurance for the workout that previously caused us stress and discomfort).

For me, it was taking me out of my comfort zone: being alone.

Taking Chances

My relationship with my mom has taken me to a whole other level, one that I pray everyone gets to experience with their parents sooner than later! I slowly started opening up to people, most importantly, to my mom. I began speaking my mind, and I am surprised by how much peace rushes through me every time, whether it’s something good or bad.

Then I got job offers I’d always swore I would NEVER take because they were boring and simply “not for me.” Nevertheless, I knew God had a plan, so I took a chance. And let me tell you, they have all helped me overcome anxiety by giving me more confidence in my capabilities.

Don’t get me wrong, I still get that gushy feeling in my stomach when asking for extra ketchup at restaurants, but it no longer impedes me from doing it.

I hope you understand that this is to encourage you to take leaps of faith when they present themselves. You’ll be surprised how much you’ll gain by doing so.

And if you’re still hesitant to try, take a deep breath and remember Romans 8:31:


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