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Listen Attentively, It’s Worth It!

Listen Attentively, It’s Worth It!

It never fails to amaze me how much you learn what’s in someone’s heart through conversation. You might be thinking, “well, obviously, that’s exactly how you get to know people.” However, I would argue that it is rare for people to listen to each other when having a conversation truly.

I have no doubt you are hearing the noises that come out of the other person’s mouth and are capable of interpreting it as words, but how often do you attentively listen with an open mind? How many times have you done more than listen for cues to throw in your arguments in hopes of suppressing the other person’s opinion?

Who Am I to Judge?

I am guilty of this all the time!! So much so that there are times I can’t even comprehend what is coming out of my mouth. The words leaving my lips would take my heart far away from Jesus.

But lately, after devoting more time to prayer, my heart has softened with more compassion for others. Instead of proving myself to people, I listen to what they have to say and understand why they are speaking such things.

I realized how distant I was, even if I was sitting across the table and actively nodding my head, I was not paying attention. I did not understand their point of view, but worse yet, I didn’t want to.

Their polarized opinions brought out my defensive side. I sought to be right instead of caring for the other person and being emotionally and physically present for him or she.

It’s Okay to Agree to Disagree

As I mentioned in a previous post, there is nothing wrong with disagreements. It can be beneficial because it forces people to go outside of the comfort zone and reach prospering morals.

Sure, it’s nice to feel at peace in a room where everyone agrees with your ideas, but that leaves very little room for improvement.

One thing is for sure: we are all sinners. We need God for guidance on how to love. Isn’t that what we all ultimately desire most: to be love?

Jesus sat with people deemed disgraceful by society, and he showed them love, which resolved in a change of heart.

Every day remind yourself that you are far from perfect. There are times when you are the one who needs Jesus to save you from those ready to throw stones.

When you feel like criticizing, don’t. Take a deep breath and forced yourself to see the other person as God sees you; remember that he looks past your hurtful words and sinful behaviors and instead sees that you were made in the image of love.

If you listen carefully, you’ll realize that we are not all that different. At the end of the day, we all just want to be cared for.


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