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The Lord Nurtures Our Hearts

The Lord Nurtures Our Hearts

In a previous post, I shared the wonders of having a spiritual director. Here is how the Lord made a way for it to take place.

The Start of Something New

I remember it was February 24th, 2021, when I was crying in the chapel. It was one of those days where I was overwhelmed by I don’t know what. I just felt sad and uncomfortable and tired. All I could do was cry. I couldn’t find words other than, “Lord, help me. Tell me what to do.” I sat there on the cold wood floor, waiting for a sign. For something. For anything.

I heard a familiar voice in the corridors but dismissed it as I was waiting for a response from God. 

I then cried out again, “Lord, please, I know I need help but I don’t know with what!”

Want to know what’s funny about all this? The last couple of weeks, I had a feeling to reach out to that familiar voice, but I hesitated and ignored it. 

I felt like Elsa in Frozen 2, trying to block out the call. And unlike Elsa, *Spoilers* I didn’t follow the voice into the unknown.

I held back, and for silly reasons: I would get nervous at the mere thought of speaking to that person. I don’t know why. 

Easier Said Than Done

I’ve written several posts with the message “pray and listen,” yet here I was going against my advice. 

It’s honestly easier said than done, but I will not let this get in between God’s will. I’d been asking for signs, and God was giving them to me, to the point that it was apparent, yet I brushed them off because I did not want that kind of sign. It intimidated me.

The moment I realized that the Lord was listening and wanted to help me, my sensitive soul want to cry even harder. What a beautiful feeling it was. I thank the Holy Spirit for opening my eyes, even when my stubborn self tried hard to deny it. 

I’m here to tell you that you should be more observant and open-minded. God might be trying to show you a way to be closer to him, but you might be accidentally ignoring it. 

Sometimes God’s will is different than our plans, but we should know that it will always be more fruitful. 

[A few days later]…

I got the courage to email the priest, and to my surprise, he replied at the perfect time—God truly works in mysterious ways. 

We set up a time to meet on March 11th, and let me share a little bit of how that went: 

First off, yes, I was nervous and kept refreshing my emails in hopes of finding a cancelation to the meeting. But I thank the Lord that that did not happen! 

As soon as he greeted me, all anxiety vanished. I comfortably said that I wasn’t sure why I was there, and he kindly made conversation to help figure it out. 

I felt open to share my thoughts and listened to. The priest asked all the right questions, and the conversation went by smoothly. I didn’t stutter as much as I usually do, and I credit that to the presence of the Holy Spirit that was invited by the initial prayer. 

The point with all this is that God’s plan is perfect. He knows the reason behind the things he puts in your soul. So if you ever feel called to do something out of your comfort zone after praying, go for it! 

God will always help when you ask him to. However, please learn from my mistakes and know that God will come to you in different forms, often ones you would not expect. 

The Book that Continued God’s Message

Funny enough, my priest suggested doing spiritual direction. There was a recommended book to read before the sessions began; It interestingly started with that famous story of the man drowning and asking for help. You know, the one where the man is in danger and prays for help, and a lot of people come to the rescue, but he refuses their help because God will be the one to save him? Well, *SPOILERS*, the man dies and when face to face with God, he asks him why he wasn’t saved, to which God replies that He had sent out many to help him but refused. Do you know that story?? 

I love that story, and you can find the whole thing here in case you’d like to read it yourself! 

Anyway, it’s true, God sends help in mysterious ways. We are all called to be vessels for Christ. We are called to love one another, so let’s be there for each other. (John 15:12)

May we all receive the Holy Spirit, and may we allow Him to work through us from the glory of the Holy Trinity. Amen!

Don’t be afraid; God is with you always. ♡


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