3 Fun Ways to Enhance Your Faith in Jesus
Fun is, unfortunately, not typically in the top five words someone uses to describe their Catholic faith. And it can be understandable. Christ asks us to renounce the callings of the world and surrender our selfishness. He goes as far as saying, “carry your cross and follow Me.” Yes, that sounds like the opposite of fun!
Suffering is an undesirable side effect of original sin. We have to deal with that, but Jesus gave us the best news when He resurrected. He showed us that suffering did not have to be in vain. There will be a time when all of our sufferings will amount to something greater than our wildest dreams. If we follow His voice, we will see that special place Jesus promised to make for us in Heaven.
Fun while Suffering
Even though we do not like suffering, which is often why we fall for temptations in hopes of gaining immediate satisfaction, there are ways to make it more tolerable.
For starters, God promised to always be with us. No matter if you are having the best or worst day, the Holy Spirit is there with you, showering you with endurance. (Check out the links above for more tips on fighting this spiritual welfare we are on!) Somedays, we feel it more than others, but that does not take away His everlasting love.
Now, God wants us to enjoy life! Yes, we are broken human beings, but with Jesus Christ, we become a new creation! We have an opportunity to be with our Creator in Heaven. Going back to the book of Genesis, God tells us He created everything GOOD. He provides mankind with everything to live in harmony with the rest of creation. So even though the story got distorted, we must remember this amidst our suffering.
God wants you to have fun.
We have all of the resources need to live joyful lives. Unfortunately, the enemy has been working hard to pervert all the ways we can devoutly have fun. People can’t be themselves without drugs or alcohol; A casual outing is more about aesthetics than quality time.
But there is more freedom and enjoyment in the little things. We do not have to degrade ourselves to have fun. Every breath is a beautiful gift from God. Every sunrise is a smile from God at the start of every day. But if that is not enough, just look around, and you will find millions of ways to enjoy the complexity of life.
Great News: You don’t have to look too far!
Finding the Best of Both Worlds
We can continue the pep talk some other time, but now we can’t wait to share with you three fun things the Holy Spirit has inspired Broken Prayers LLC to create for you to grow on your faith!
1. The Catholic Cube
The Catholic Cube is the first product to embellish the mission of Broken Prayers LLC of encouraging people to see the beauty and fun of being a child of God. Contrary to popular belief, being Catholic is not a thing of the past. Being Catholic is an identity engraved in every human heart to be discovered and flourished as one becomes receptive to God’s love. In easier words, being catholic means living freely. You can learn more about this on our post about Catholicism or our About Page!
Each face hopes to remind you of the richness of our Faith.
One True God: the greatest mystery ever. Three persons, one God. The definition of true love and our reason to live.
JHS: The greek initials of Jesus Christ. His Body and Blood given to us in the form of bread in the Eucharist gives us eternal life and perseverance.
The Purple Cross: remembering the passion of Christ during Lent. Our Redeemer through whom we find freedom, love, and friendship.
Come Holy Spirit: the invocation prayer for our Helper. God, the Holy Spirit, is with us always and lives in us to guide us in this messy world.
Catholic: a universal invitation to love from God, our Creator.
Ave Maria: the angel’s greeting to the bravest and most humble person to ever live whose faith allowed Jesus to come into our lives. The “yes” that undid Eve’s disobedience. And the most honorable human role model!
There is much more to be said about this special cube, but we hope you allow God to speak to your heart as you put the pieces together of these six Catholic beliefs. Please feel free to share your thoughts with us!
We hope you enjoy it more than it gives you headaches trying to put it back together! Tag us on social media @BrokenPrayersllc as you solve the cube 🙂
2. My Creativity Catholic Book
This little book has 80 faith-based puzzles and activities for the whole family to enjoy!
Every aspect of our Catholic faith is incorporated in each activity ranging from matching Bible verses to drawing your favorite saint to playing Tic-Tac-Toe with Jesus!
We hope you are inspired to grow in your faith as you navigate the pages in this book.
So dust off that Catholic Bible from the shelf and use it to help you solve the puzzles!
Did we mention there is also an EBOOK version for easy online access?
3. God Gives You Sufficient Grace for Each Day – Diary Journal
Here at Broken Prayers LLC, we believe that quote is wholeheartedly true. We knew we had to put it on the cover of a journal!
Going back to the beginning of the post, we are bound to suffer, but we can do so much with Christ. God will NOT leave us empty-handed. He is with us every single day. We hope you carry this simple journal on your faith journey.
This is a great place to harvest your prayers, concerns, church notes, and, most importantly, your love letters to Jesus!
There is something exceptional about looking back and reading all the good and bad you sustained with God by your side.
Available in English and Español!!
Letting God Lead the Way
It is surreal to announce that The Broken Prayers Shop is officially opened and ready to serve the public! We are constantly praying for the Holy Spirit to enlighten our hearts in ways we can help our fellow brothers and sisters in their faith journey.
We were not expecting Him to call us to open a store, let alone have it be ready in less than six months, but God works in mysterious ways. And now here we are with three products out and more in the making!
Please keep us in your prayers. You are in ours. ♡